sesterce|sesterces in English


ancient Roman coi

Use "sesterce|sesterces" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sesterce|sesterces" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sesterce|sesterces", or refer to the context using the word "sesterce|sesterces" in the English Dictionary.

1. The following shall be the rate of pay for such persons as are Apparitors to the duumvirs: for each clerk 1,200 sesterces, for each aide 700 sesterces, for each lictor 6oo sesterces, for each summoner 400 sesterces, for each copyist 300 sesterces, for each soothsayer 500 sesterces, for a crier 300 sesterces; for persons serving the aediles the

2. The 7 Sesterces Mackerel!

3. These slaves have already cost us a thousand million sesterces.

4. Were you in Rome, you would've sold fish, 5 Sesterces each!

5. Pliny the Roman historian during Caesar’s age, complained with a groan heard across the Roman empire that each year India earned at least 50 million sesterces from its manufacture.

6. Among other things, it was paid discharge money to the legionaries by a treasury established by Augustus, the Aerarium militare, which amounted to 12,000 Sesterces until to the Principate of Caracalla.

7. Eres ridículo con tu Caballa a siete sestercios.: You are ridiculous with your mackerel for seven sesterces.: No la mates con la Caballa ahumada.: Let's not kill her with a smoked mackerel sandwich.: Su quiché de Caballa es famoso.: Says his Spanish mackerel quiche is world famous.: Podrías quitar la Caballa y comer sólo el pan.: You could always scrape out the mackerel and just eat the bread.